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Step 6: Onboard Your Team
Arnie Malham avatar
Written by Arnie Malham
Updated over 6 years ago

Now that you've got all your ducks in a row, it's time to fill in the rest of your company about the book club! This guide will cover best practices for announcing the program and onboarding your team.

Make an Announcement

It’s very important that your team members are clear from the start how they can join and participate in the book club. Make sure you clearly communicate the following:

  • The purpose and vision of your book club

  • Who the Champion is

  • How to join the book club and when to expect the invitation

  • What books they can read and how they'll access them

  • What Points are and how to earn them

  • What your Rewards will be

  • When Book Reports will be due

  • If and when Meetings occur

Create Some Excitement!

Your new book club is a big deal, so your announcement should be too! Remember, this is an amazing opportunity you're giving your people to grow both personally and professionally—so have fun with it. Get your people excited from the get-go and you'll be off to a good start.

Spread the Word

Announce it in a staff meeting. Send a company-wide email. Put it on your TV screens. Use all the tools that are available to you to make everyone aware of this new opportunity!

Tip: To really get your team off to a good start, your Champion can schedule a quick 30-minute “Intro to BetterBookClub” demo for your team to attend!

Invite Your Team

You've laid the groundwork for your book club, you've made the announcement to your staff, and now it's time to start inviting everyone!

The only way team members can join your book club is by accepting an invitation from an Administrator. Invitations are sent via email. (If someone has trouble finding their invitation, make sure they double check their spam folder.)

Check out Invite New Members to learn more!

Tip: Save yourself a ton of time by mass importing your first round of invitations!

Get Everyone On Board

We strongly recommend inviting your whole company to participate in the book club. The program is meant to be inclusive, as your company benefits the most when everyone has the opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Need some help?

If you have any questions or would like some assistance in planning for your announcement, you can email us at or send us a message from within the app by clicking on the blue chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the page!

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