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Step 2: Choose a Champion
Arnie Malham avatar
Written by Arnie Malham
Updated over 6 years ago

As with any successful company initiative, you'll need a point-person to Champion your organization's book club. Choosing a Champion is one of the most important steps in creating your book club and ensuring it's success.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to choose the person, or people, to lead your company’s book club.

What is a Champion?

The Champion is essentially the heart and driving force of your BetterBookClub program. They'll be the go-to person for heading up your book club.

What does a Champion do?

Champions manage the Library, approve Book Reports, schedule and lead Meetings, manage Rewards, and keep up with the bookshelf (if you have one).

Who should be our Champion?

The ideal Champion is someone who’s passionate about engaging and growing your employees. When choosing your Champion, look for someone who is enthusiastic, great at bringing people together, and knows how to get things done.

Being the Champion doesn’t take a lot of extra time; however, the person you choose should be willing to put in the effort to help make your book club successful. That being said, CEOs and HR are often not the best answers for a Champion.

Can we have more than one Champion?

You bet! Being the Champion doesn't require a lot of extra work, so having only one is typically just fine. However if you have a large company, it may be helpful to have more than one Champion to share in the responsibilities.

When should we pick a Champion?

The sooner the better! You'll definitely want to have your Champion on board before you roll out to your company. The earlier this person joins in on the planning process, the better equipped they are to ensure initial success.

Once you've chosen your Champion, be sure to send them an invitation into your club and assign them the role of Champion.

Note: If they will be in charge of inviting members moving forward, they'll need to be assigned the role of Administrator.

What's next?

Learn how to start building a Library of approved titles for your team members to read as a part of your book club!

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