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Add a Book to the Library
Arnie Malham avatar
Written by Arnie Malham
Updated over 6 years ago

Who can use this feature?
Only Champions and Administrators can add titles to a book club's Library.

You can build your book club's Library with an unlimited number of titles. You're not even limited to just book titles—you can add DVDs too!  There are a few ways to add titles to the Library:

  • Add titles from Amazon - We use Amazon's database to power our search engine making it even easier to find titles.

  • Manually add a title - This is great for adding company-created materials like training manuals that likely aren't in Amazon's database.

  • Add top BBC Founders Circle books - Quickly populate your club's Library with most popular books read by members of BetterBookClub’s Founders Circle book club with just a couple clicks.

Add a title from Amazon

  1. Hover over the gear icon in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select Manage Library.

  2. Select Add New Book on the top left corner of the page.

  3. Choose either Books or DVDs as your desired format and search by Title, Author, or ISBN.

  4. Hover over the title and select the yellow plus icon.

  5. Choose a point value and select Add This Book in the dialog box.

Manually add a title

  1. Hover over the gear icon in the navigation bar at the top of the screen and select Manage Library.

  2. Select Add New Book on the top left corner of the page.

  3. Under the search bar, select the yellow button that says "Or you can add your book manually."

  4. Enter the required data in the dialog box: Title, Author, Description, and Point Value.

  5. Select Add This Book.

Note: If you're not sure whether a title is in Amazon's database, you can search for the title first. If you don't see it in the search results, you can select the Add Book Manually button located directly beneath the search bar on the right side.

Add Top BetterBookClub Founders Circle Books

  1. Navigate to the Manage Library page.

  2. In the top left corner, select + Add Top BBC Founders Circle Books.

  3. Choose the quantity you’d like to add.

  4. Select Add Titles to Library.

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