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View Points Earned by Members
Arnie Malham avatar
Written by Arnie Malham
Updated over 6 years ago

Who can use this feature?
Only Champions and Administrators can access the View Reports page.

When it's time to give out rewards to your employees, you'll need to see who actually earned points before you can move forward. On the Analytics page, you can easily see at a glance which members earned points and how many they earned during any given time period.

See everyone who earned points

  1. Under the User Stats section, check the box next to "Hide users with no book reports."

  2. Choose your start and end dates by either typing the date or selecting the calendar icon.

  3. Each member is listed with the number of books they tagged as read and total points they earned in the time period selected.

  4. To see a member's complete book report history, select the arrow icon.

Note: Dates must be entered in the m/d/yyyy format. The number of books read does not necessarily correlate to how many points the member earned, as that member may have tagged books as read during the given time period without submitting reports for those books.

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